Sunday, January 10, 2010


I saw this movie earlier today and it was intense! I loved every minute of it! I thought the story was good, the characters well written for a horror movie and the fact that it's in the future makes it even more believable. Ethan Hawke plays this vampire who actually feels sorry for humans and cannot stand even the thought of drinking human blood for survival. Sam Neill plays an evil corporate head who is bent on the destruction of the human race and does anything he can to stop them from becoming free. You see, humans--the ones that are left anyway--are what makes vampires survive, and without their blood, vampires would be no more. So, what Sam's company is trying to do is preserve human blood for the wealthy and not have it availiable to people who are less fortunate.

The movie is full of surprises and you just have to see it if you really want to enjoy it. This movie is not your average vampire movie. You actually step in the shoes of a vampire as if it were something normal and not just a typical shoot em up run away from the vampire in order to survive kind of movie, even though some of those factors do take place. The director shows a world through the vampire's eye view and not the typical human in distress trying to run away from the vampire. I'm not going to say any more. You've got to see it at least on your iPhoney.

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