Here's my thoughts about the new Die Hard film. I thought it was great seeing John McClane back in action after 12 long years. I felt we needed to have some old blood back in a decade of films that are not very well memorable apart from many exceptions. I was wondering if they were going to make another movie after the 1995 hit, Die Hard with a Vengeance and they did! Damn, it's hard to believe they had to wait so long. Bruce Willis could have done one in at least 2000 if not 1999. But boy, was I wrong about his age. He can still kick ass! He is, after all John McClane!
The one problem I had with this movie, was the way it was shot and the color of the film. Len Wiseman obviously had no directing experience apart from his directing of the two Underworld movies, and when he was chosen to direct this movie I was a little hasty. I mean, for one thing when I found out that it was going to be PG-13, I flipped. I thought to myself, Gee, shouldn't all the Die Hard films be R? I mean, that's what made them so great. So, when I saw the movie in theaters, I was honestly disappointed with the way the dialogue was cut to make it appropriate for children. I did know the reason why they made it PG-13, so it could get minors in it thus leading to higher ticket sales. But still, you shouldn't change a formula that has been tried and true since 1988! However, when they came out with the Unrated DVD, I jumped at the chance to get it and every time I watch it, it will, and always will be, the unrated cut and not the theatrical presentation.
As far as the picture quality of the film is concerned, I felt that it could have been depicted much better. I mean, the film is a Die Hard film don't get me wrong, but it was depicted in the form of an Underworld film. I didn't like the way it was shot and how the movie wasn't just shot like the previous films. Probably had Michael Kamen still been around, the score would have made all the difference, but no...he had to die in 2003. In any case, I don't want you guys to think that I hate this film. I actually did enjoy it as a whole.
It was great seeing McClane back after all these years. He is finally divorced and he is just on his own still working for the NYPD. He is his same old self and still thrown in a situation that he doesn't want to be in. He is the dude who made this film what it was. He nailed this character down so well and I think he is the one who made it what it is...LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD! As far as the dialogue is concerned, watching him on the Unrated version is the way to go by far! He is truly the John McClane I remember from all those years ago!

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