Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dead Space

Man, now this is the game to play! If you really want to be in the action and in the horror, then this is the game for you. It's basically a rescue mission gone wrong as you are Issac Clarke: an engineer sent to try and find any survives of the USG Ishimura, a starship designed to tear apart planets for power and energy. This huge ship, which held up to more than 1,000 passengers is now just dead in space with nothing going on...or so we think. There is a bunch of surprises on the way as you discover that the ship was sabotaged and taken over by this malevolent race of alien beings hidden throughout the ship and you have to fight your way to get to your goals. Man, this is one intense first person shooter! It's dark, freaky and just full of horrific surprises. I just beat the game a few days ago and it was on easy mode...and believe me, that mode was hard enough! I've yet to try medium, let alone difficult!

The game will give you the creeps. I love it! Now, I've yet to play Dead Space 2, which came out earlier this year. Need to save up!

The story of the game is as good as the graphics and this is really important. I would have to say that the characters are just as interesting and leave impressions on you almost as much as the aliens that freak you out. You pick up clues around the ship to hear lost logs from the crew and video transmissions to figure out what happened and why what happened to the ship was almost allowed in a way. It's up to you to figure out who to trust and who to kill and this leads up to the very end of the game which is just fun and so realistic! I'm sure they will consider making this into a feature film one of these days. But, the story uses elements out of Alien and Sunshine in addition to a little bit of Event Horizon, and make it into it's own story. So, in a way some of the elements have been used before. Check it out now! You can get it for cheap at your local GameStop!

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