Monday, January 13, 2014


Hello everyone?!!! I just would like to open this latest message with something that I realize we all take for granted and something that we all so very much rely upon. Our cellular phones, or smartphones rather. I swear, the first thing I do in the morning is check my phone to see if I got a a text message, a message from Facebook or voicemail. It's like, we have become so dependent on our phones we lost a bit of ourselves.

Now, I know what you're asking: Why am I talking about phones in this manner? Well, the answer is simple. I found out today that my droid somehow contracted a virus. I have no idea how or what caused it, but it did. A few days ago, I made a phone call and two rings into the call, the phone just shuts off. This is the first time that has ever happened to me. The person on the other end was understandably upset because I'm sure it would have been answered by the third ring. Anyway, I turn on my phone and it's on it's loading screen for about 5 to 10 minutes. In other words, nothing is happening. I had a lot of information on that phone. I reset it, reboot it and then it started...Only for the icons not to work. It was one thing after another with this phone. I spent my entire breaktime at work freaking out because my phone wasn't working.

I mean, now that my phone isn't working at all and somehow caught a virus, I rushed to change my passwords on my computer just to see nothing was compromised. Luckily, everything is fine and I'm still able to use Facebook and check e-mail. Here I go, another necessity! But yes, in this day and age I guess smart phones are a necessary evil in a way. We rely on them so much and it sucks how when we don't have them working it can annoy us to death. As I write this blog, I'm currently waiting for my new phone to come in the mail. Since my current phone hasn't been working for the past few days, I'm sure that once I get my new phone, I will be getting a shit load of old messages all at once to make up for the five days I've been without a working cell. Let's hope that won't crash my new phone haha! Anyway, until next time bloggers!

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