Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012 Primary Election Poll

I was working at the election polls with my dad on June 5th. Man, talk about a long and tedius job! This was the first time I ever participated in something like that. Well, don't get me wrong I have been voting since I was 18, but that's different of course. I had to get up at 5am and then get all the supplies into the car and leave the house by 5:45. I was totally comfortable sleeping and then I heard this sudden knock on my door, "Nick! Get up! We hvae to be outta here by 5:45!" I looked at the clock and luckily it was just 5 because I had to orient myself and have breakfast and be ready to leave the place by 5:45 sharp. Once everything was in the car, we headed over there and I had to make sure all the supplies and boxes and were not scratching the windows and just bumping around and all that. We finally got there and set everything up. It seemed to be some old community center near the post office in Pacific Palisades, Ca. Setting stuff up took about an hour and then we officially opened the polls at 7am. Only like a handful of people showed up and then there was a lot of downtime. There were three different tables representing the precincts. We were the orange table. It was me, another clerk and my father. I asked for the names, the second person asked for the address while my father issued the ballots. It went smoothly but was so slow! I took several breaks and found myself having to get some Subway. Naturally, my father asked for some and I got him a sandwhich and a soda. I came back, and then realized that I finished half my sandwhich. Mind you, it's barely 10am and I was already in the mood for lunch! Then it came to be 12 and everytime someone would come by as I mentioned before, we would have to write their names down and put it in a log book. There were three log books we had to use and every hour we would switch them out and update them one by one. The most recent one would have to then be looked at and reviewed by the poll inspectors so they would be able to varify the names and match them up with the number of votes to see if they were all counted. We had to do that from 7am until 6pm. So, once that was out of the way everything was pretty much smooth sailing and then came the closing time. We had to put everything away and fold up all the voting booths and then put them in their boxers. I was in charge of adding up all the signatures and Steven, the other clerk I meantioned earlier, was in charge of counting up all the voting ballots and my father just started to break everything down. I had to recount all the signatures just in case and it was odd becuase the first time I completed counting, I had a total of 123 signatures, while Steven had a total of 125 ballots and the maching which casted the votes had a total of 124. So, I had to recount the signatures and we all eventually ended up with the same number. Then, Steven split right away because I guess he was tired...I mean look, not to go off topic or anything but the kid was 17 years old and he took longer breaks then any of us and right when he completed doing his task, he just left right away and didn't even bother helping us put the stuff in the car. But, whatever. It would have been a nice courtesy but yeah he just didn't do anything to help out and half the time he did he would be on his cellphone texting and I would have to nudge him to help a customer. It just got a little annoying, but at the end of the day it felt good to have everything packed in the car. We were the last to leave, probably becuase we had the most people come to our booth and had the most ballots to count. At the end of the night we headed over to the place where all the ballots and boxes were picked up. I'm glad that night was overwith. I swear, I was fairly bored in the end but hey, the $100 paycheck won't hurt me.

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